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Participation Stewardship

(Explanation of suggestions found on the participation pledge card)

Attend NFCC events – attendance of NFCC events is an important way to make the events successful, and to give a good impression of the congregation to visitors. Consider attending an event. It’s easy and you’ll feel more connected to the church!

Usher – Ushers are the face of NFCC to visitors.  All you need is a warm smile and greeting. Can’t stand for long periods? No problem, you can be seated to greet people.

Help with fairs – our annual spring and fall fairs are critically important fundraisers AND promotional events that introduce visitors to our church.  They also serve an important outreach function.  Successful fairs require many volunteers. Jobs range from easy to demanding. Talk to an organizer about how you can help.

Host a meeting in your home – from time to time NFCC holds small meetings in member homes to gauge membership views on special issues.  But why not offer to host a committee meeting?  Put your name in the pool of potential hosts when the need arises.

Help with grounds keeping – maintaining the church property is a big job. Do you like to garden? Can you help rake, weed, etc.? What about trash cleanup? Do you like to  paint or wash windows?  You’re our kind of volunteer!      

Help with youth events – Adults of all ages can enrich youth events. Talk to the Pastor or CE Director to see how you might contribute.

Help in the office – there are many ways to help in the office: the order of worship needs to be folded and assembled each week, brochures need folding, and several times a year special letters need to be assembled and envelopes stuffed for mailing. Get together with a few friends for good conversation and fun while helping the church office immensely.

Help hospitality – we all know NFCC’s hospitality is fabulous, but volunteers are always needed. Jobs include helping in the kitchen, serving, setting up and breaking down the tables in the covenant room for coffee hour and special events, and of course donating goodies for coffee hour and special events.

Help fundraise – besides the annual fairs, NFCC often holds special fundraisers throughout the year. Find out how you can help, from promotion, set up, clean up, etc. Do you have an idea for a fundraiser that you would be willing to lead? Let us know.

Help with outreach projects – outreach has over a dozen hands-on projects where your contribution can range from one hour to a full week or anywhere in between.  These are great opportunities to give back to your community and get to know your fellow parishioners.  Talk to any member of the Outreach Committee about how you can help.  Have your own idea for a project you would be willing to lead? Let them know.

Thrift shop – the thrift shop is one of the most important financial contributors to the church and provides a very important outreach service to our community. Can you volunteer to help for an hour or two a week? Can you help sort donations, or make dump runs?

Serve on a committee – serving on a committee is a demanding job, but one filled with rewards as you do the Lord’s work for NFCC and help make the life of the Church better.  If you can roll up your sleeves and serve on a committee you can make a big difference at NFCC.  But there are other ways to help committees, consider hosting a meeting, or donate coffee and cookies/donuts to show your appreciation.  Ask members about their work and give them feedback.  Attend a meeting to see what’s going on.  Help with a specific project the committee is working on from internal projects like researching a topic, to external projects like a special event.

 Help teach Sunday school – volunteering to help with Sunday school is one of the most important jobs at NFCC, as well as one of the most rewarding.  But you don’t have to do it all by yourself. Offer to help team teach, be a teacher’s assistant for a day, or provide needed supplies for a class. Offer to let students interview you in class and share your faith journey experiences with them.

Join the choir – we have a wonderful small choir at NFCC, but they’d like to grow! Can you commit to weekly rehearsals and singing in the choir on most Sundays and during holidays?  Then WE NEED YOU.  What about joining the choir just for special events and holidays (you would need to attend rehearsals in preparation for the event/holiday).  How about joining a “pick-up choir” during the choirs summer break?  Can’t sing? How about helping the Music Director in her office filing and organizing music?

Other – There are many other ways to help at the church, both big and small.  Think out of the box! Got an idea? Let us know.

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