Serve Locally

Serving our neighbors is an essential part of embodying our faith. In serving locally, we become part of a vital support system for our neighbors on the Upper Cape. Not only do we provide practical assistance, but also social connections and a sense of belonging, particularly in times of need. In this way we contribute to the overall wellbeing of the local area.

Some of NFCC’s Outreach Programs:

  • Youth StreetReach to aid the unhoused in the Hyannis area
  • Habitat for Humanity Builds
  • Winter Soup
  • Food collections for Falmouth Service Center and the Bourne Food Pantry
  • Adult Mission Trips
  • Belonging to Each Other – an organization that helps the unhoused in Falmouth
  • Teacher Supplies Collection for North Falmouth Elementary School
  • Giving Tree for North Falmouth Elementary School
  • Provide food for North Falmouth Village Association’s annual Unplugged Concert
  • Singing for residents at Royal Megansett, weekly and during the holidays
  • Card ministry
  • Upper Cape Chaplaincy
  • No Place for Hate

To inquire about how you can help serve,
contact the office at (508) 563-2177

Ways to Serve

Serve at church

Serve at Church

Serve locally

Serve Locally

Serve Globally

Serve Globally

